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Ballet for Recuperation

Sunday, March 20, 2016
10:00 am11:00 am
Berest Dance Center

Berest Dance Center
12 S Washington St, Port
Washington NY, 11050
There are many breast cancer survivors who struggle with the chronic pain of neuropathy.
One way to lessen this discomfort is through ballet. Ballet is not only a beautiful
form of expression, it is also a therapeutic, restorative form of
movement that can assist the body in beginning to heal itself. Ballet stretches and poses move
the muscles and bones in the foot in a way that alternative approaches simply do not.
Second, unlike medications and acupuncture that are ineffective as soon as you stop,
ballet allows you to continue healing on your own. During our hour together,
you will learn simple exercises at the bar or in the center of the
studio that will focus on stretching your legs and feet to
begin to lessen your pain. All of our work together is simple and gentle, promoting a supportive,
encouraging and positive atmosphere.